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(New 2019) MosKids1 TV frequency on Hotbird - Nilesat

Frequency of MosKids1 Channel on Hot Bird 13C

MosKids1 TV frequency on Hotbird

MosKids1 channel can be watched via satellite Hot Bird 13C 13.0E by following those steps:

First get your dish pointed towards Hot Bird 13C which is located on position 13.0E.
In your STB receiver Press Menu in the remote control and select the set up installation option, then look for the satellite named Hot Bird 13Cthen you may choose to scan all satellite and add all channels or you may select add or edit TP to search for specified channels, to add MosKids1 to your channels list just fill in the following parameters given bellow: Frequency, Polarity, Symbole rate then click search and you will find your Channel within your Hot Bird 13C List channels.

Watch MosKids1 TV that broadcasts via satellite transmission live streaming on your receiver
The MosKids1 Television Station Frequency has last time Updated on December 10, 2013
follow and enjoy The Channel where ever you are in Europe, North Africa, Asia and in all countries that Hot Bird 13C covered just using the antenna dish with the parameters explained in the : Hot Bird 13C coverage map.

    MosKids1 Frequency on Hot Bird 13C Satellite

  • Channel Name :
  • Satellite :
    Hot Bird 13C
  • Position :
  • Frequency :
  • Polarity :
  • Symbol Rate :
    29900 5/6
  • Package :
    Sky Italia
    Last Updated : December 10, 2013


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